
Overview article (in German)

Heister, J., Würzner, K.-M., Bubenzer, J., Pohl, E., Hanneforth, T., Geyken, A. und Kliegl, R. dlexDB - eine lexikalische Datenbank für die psychologische und linguistische Forschung. Psychologische Rundschau, 62(1):10-20, 2011. Preprint version (PDF) / Final version (link to publisher)

Workshop 2011 Proceedings

Würzner, K.-M., Pohl, E. (editors). Lexical resources in psycholinguistic research. Potsdam: Universitätsverlag, 2012. (Potsdam Cognitive Science Series 3) Digital version (PDF)

Further publications

Thomas Hanneforth. fsm2 - A Scripting Language for Creating Weighted Finite-State Morphologies. In Cerstin Mahlow and Michael Piotrowski, editors, State of the Art in Computational Morphology, volume 41 of Communications in Computer and Information Science, pages 48-63, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2009. Springer.

Thomas Hanneforth. Using Ranked Semirings for Representing Morphology Automata. In Cerstin Mahlow and Michael Piotrowski, editors, State of the Art in Computational Morphology, volume 41 of Communications in Computer and Information Science, pages 1-9, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2009. Springer.

Thomas Hanneforth and Kay-Michael Würzner. Statistical Language Models within the Algebra of Weighted Rational Languages. Acta Cybernetica, 19(2):313-356, 2009.

Thomas Hanneforth and Colin de la Higuera. Epsilon-Removal by Loop Reduction for Finite-State Automata over Complete Semirings. In Thomas Hanneforth and Gisbert Fanselow, editors, Language and Logos: Festschrift for Peter Staudacher on his 70th Birthday, Studia grammatica 72, pages 297-312. Akademie-Verlag, Berlin, 2010.

Johannes Bubenzer and Kay-Michael Würzner. Joining Composition and Trimming of Finite-State Transducers. In Anssi Yli-Jyrä, András Kornai, Jacques Sakarovitch, and Bruce Watson, editors, Finite-State Methods and Natural Language Processing, volume 6062 of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pages 93-104, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2010. Springer.

Julian Heister, Luise Bartels, Judith Heide, and Kay-Michael Würzner. Analysemethode und Datengrundlage können die Ergebnisse beeinflussen: Selektiver Einfluss der Stammfrequenz für ver-präfigierte Verben. In Michael Wahl, Corinna Stahn, Sandra Hanne, and Tom Fritzsche, editors, Von der Programmierung zur Artikulation: Sprechapraxie bei Kindern und Erwachsenen, Spektrum Patholinguistik 3, pages 155-166. Universitätsverlag Potsdam, Potsdam, 2010.


Current version

New tables: all measures in case-insensitive variant.